Video: Judith Roeder
2018 // Tunis (tn), INTERFERENCE International Light Art Project
Judith Roeder: doc
Glass disc, halogen spots, metal folie, light controls, stands, cables
In the middle of the gallery’s space, two light spots are situated, facing each other. They are turned on, each pulsing in its own rhythm. The emitted light is reflected by metal folie circle, located at the center of a glass disc, hanging from the ceiling, situated at the half-way point between the two light sources.
For more than fifteen years, glass and its physical, esthetical, and metaphorical assets have been the material and the qualities of choice for the artistic research of Judith Roeder. She focuses on the differentiation between the translucent properties of glass in opposition to its reflection and refraction properties when filtering light. She renders visible its permeability and non-permeability which lies beneath the glossy skin. >> Artist’s Text
2016 // Vilnius [lv], Šv. Jono Gatvės Galerija
2015 // Barrage-Vauban-Strasbourg [fr], Biennale Internationale du Verre
2015 // Wroclaw [pl], SiC! Gallery
Since 2009, regular exhibition activity, mainly in Europe
Since 2016 // Cologne [de], Studies Academy of Media Arts in Cologne
2010 // Koblenz [de], Diploma of Studies at the Institute of Ceramic and Glass Arts
2005 // Munich [de], Certificate of Apprenticeship [Gesellenbrief] for stained glass working